Ricette con ceci in barattolo e altri legumi conservati

Recipes with canned chickpeas and other preserved legumes

Preparation time
5 minutes
Cooking time
15 minutes
Total time
20 minutes
Cuisine type


  • 1 barattolo di legumi a scelta (fagioli, ceci, lenticchie, etc.), circa 400 g
  • 2 spicchi d'aglio
  • 2 cucchiai di olio extravergine d'oliva
  • Sale e pepe nero macinato fresco
  • Erbe aromatiche a scelta (rosmarino, timo, alloro)
  • Acqua o brodo vegetale, se necessario

If you never know how to make chickpeas in a jar or use jarred legumes that you have at the bottom of the pantry, this article is right for you: continue reading to find out how to indulge in the kitchen by combining practicality and imagination.

Lentils, beans and chickpeas in a jar: how to cook amazing dishes quickly
Although soaking and slow-cooking dried legumes is a pleasant activity that brings to mind the warmth of traditional cuisine, we don't always have the time or energy to monitor the long cooking times these precious foods require.
Legumes, however, are so good and so rich in beneficial properties for our body that consuming them is almost an imperative... and this is where our friends in a jar triumph, super versatile and ready to season.
Depending on the type of preserved legumes you have chosen, the ways to transform the jar into a mouth-watering dish are many and different: depending on the preparation, in fact, you can use the legumes in a particular recipe or enjoy them immediately after heating them slightly.
In the case of ours organic lentils with tomato , for example, you can give in to the temptation (and the undeniable convenience) of eating them directly as they are, immersed in their tasty sauce, perhaps accompanying them with crunchy croutons or a slice of toasted bread.
And what if you wanted to find out how cooking cannellini beans in jar or use our jars of pre-boiled legumes to shorten the preparation time of your favorite recipes?
Here are our ideas:

Canned chickpeas recipes

Hummus, chickpea and cereal soup, couscous with vegetables and legumes or delicious vegetarian or vegan burgers: with a jar of already cooked chickpeas you can let your imagination run wild and quickly create many recipes for an aperitif, dinner or lunch in the office . Depending on your creativity, you can also experiment with particular recipes such as a fresh cold salad of chickpeas and seasonal vegetables or the irresistible crispy baked chickpeas, healthy and tasty vegetable nuggets to munch on and offer as an original snack.

Beans jar recipes

How to cook canned borlotti beans ? If you have a jar of natural borlotti beans (or cannellini beans) in your pantry, you can quickly prepare substantial salads or rich, tasty main courses. Popular options include the traditional bean, tuna and red onion salad; but also an invigorating dish of stewed sausage with a side of borlotti beans or a fragrant dish of “all'uccelletto” beans with tomato and sage. Do you want to surprise your guests with something special? Get out the mixer and spices for a protein puree based on beans seasoned with your favorite herbs, a delight to also enjoy with breadsticks, canapés or vol au vent.

Lentils jar recipes

Lentils can easily become the protagonists of soups, protein salads (like the one with chopped tomatoes and spring onions) and special sauces. Have you ever tried using them to make a tasty vegetable ragout? Try it with bronze-drawn pasta. Jarred lentils will allow you to skip cooking times and move directly to the seasoning phase, the most imaginative one.

Let yourself be inspired by our selection of organic Italian legumes in jars: click here .

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