3 ricette detox antiossidanti al pomodoro

3 antioxidant tomato detox recipes

Preparation time
45 minutes
Cooking time
25 minutes
Total time
70 minutes
Cuisine type


  • 500 g di pomodori maturi freschi o pomodori pelati in scatola
  • 1 cipolla media, tritata
  • 2 carote, tagliate a cubetti
  • 2 gambi di sedano, tagliati a pezzi
  • 1 zucchina, tagliata a cubetti
  • 2 spicchi d'aglio, tritati
  • 1 litro di brodo vegetale
  • 1 cucchiaino di olio extravergine d'oliva
  • Sale e pepe nero, a gusto
  • 1 cucchiaino di curcuma in polvere (opzionale, per un effetto detox aggiuntivo)
  • Basilico fresco o prezzemolo per guarnire

The detox recipes they always gain a surge in popularity precisely at this time of year, when the arrival of the first warm weather and the approach of summer renew the desire to take care of our body and leave behind the temptations of the winter period and the holidays of spring. If you too are looking for ideas and inspiration for yours detox juices or for delicious dishes based on antioxidant tomato , don't miss Inserbo's ideas.

Detox: healthy and good recipes

In addition to detox recipes for weight loss that crowd the magazines, the world of light and purifying dishes does not lack healthy but decidedly captivating proposals to get back into shape without sacrificing taste. The Inserbo team, obviously, can't resist tomato-based ones, a fresh ingredient rich in antioxidants and mineral salts, perfect for making many quick and easy detox recipes. Discover our trio of proposals.

Breakfast: detox smoothies to lose weight

You've had enough of the same old ones slimming detox smoothies ? Try a tomato smoothie! To prepare it, all you need is a stalk of celery without the filaments, a carrot, 200 grams of tomato pulp I insert and a piece of ginger (or mint leaves). With the help of a mixer the ingredients will be transformed into a delicious and fresh smoothie to be enjoyed plain or in a savory version, adding a pinch of salt, a drizzle of EVO oil and a sprinkling of pepper.

Detox recipes: lunch in the office

Would you like to prepare a healthy and light lunch box ready to make your colleagues' mouths water? Try one of ours antioxidant recipes favorite: cold tomato and cucumber soup. To prepare it you need half a liter of ours tomato puree , a cucumber, a fresh spring onion, the juice of half a lemon and a jar of whole natural unsweetened yoghurt.
To prepare the soup, simply cook the thinly sliced ​​spring onion in a little EVO oil over a low heat, add the peeled and diced cucumber, pour in the puree and leave to cook for about twenty minutes. In the meantime, mix the lemon juice with a little oil and combine the two ingredients with the yogurt. Depending on your taste, you can add fresh herbs or black pepper. Once the soup is ready and cooled, just pour it into your box: during your lunch break, pour your yogurt sauce in the center and enjoy a light and tasty meal.

Recipes: detox diet for dinner

Have you ever made vegetable pizzas? Making them is very easy: just cut the courgettes, aubergines or onions into slices of about half a centimeter, grill them naturally and then season them with diced tomatoes like ours bruschetta of yellow cherry tomatoes or red . Just add some excellent homemade hummus and some seeded breadsticks for a light, tasty and nutritious dinner.

Would you like to include more tomatoes in your diet and have good, healthy vegetables always at hand? Click here to discover Inserbo preserves.

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